Here are some key standards and their requirements:
- California Carbon Offset Program (CCOP):
- Requirements: Projects must meet the eligibility criteria specified by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and generate verifiable emissions reductions or removals.
- Governing Body: California Air Resources Board (CARB)
- Verified Carbon Standard (VCS):
- Requirements: Projects must meet specific criteria related to additionality, quantification, and verification of emissions reductions or removals.
- Governing Body: Verra
- American Carbon Registry (ACR):
- Requirements: Projects must follow ACR’s protocols, which define eligibility, project types, monitoring, reporting, and verification requirements.
- Governing Body: Winrock International
- Climate Action Reserve (CAR):
- Requirements: Projects must adhere to CAR’s protocols, including eligibility criteria, measurement methodologies, and verification procedures.
- Governing Body: Climate Action Reserve
- Gold Standard:
- Requirements: Projects must meet specific criteria related to sustainable development, environmental integrity, stakeholder engagement, and additionality.
- Governing Body: Gold Standard Foundation